What is VIPRE?
VIPRE is the end of antivirus software as you know it.
Is your antivirus program slowing down your PC? Ditch your old antivirus software for high-performance, next-gen antivirus + antispyware that IS NOT a resource hog.
PC Magazine's security expert Neil Rubenking just gave VIPRE an excellent review with 4 STARS and said: "As its name indicates, Sunbelt Software's VIPRE Antivirus + Antispyware 3.1 is designed to handle all kinds of malicious software, and it does a very thorough job." Robert Vamosi's CNET review of VIPRE said: "7.8 out of 10: Very Good. VIPRE combines antivirus and antispyware technology in a fast and light application that also includes a worthy set of security tools." But spend a minute to find out what VIPRE can do for a home PC with old-style antivirus on it. Read this ZDNet review that starts out with: "Sunbelt Software's VIPRE - I've finally found an antivirus package that delivers the goods. Next, in a follow-up post he does a performance shoot-out and concludes: "Sunbelt Software's claim that VIPRE doesn't hog system resources and doesn't slow down a PC isn't just marketing hyperbole but is actually true."

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